Putting dreams to work.
Founder's Story / 10 min read

Paving the Path to Sustainable Fashion: Meet Romina, Founder of Dressingz

Andra Costin on iulie 24th, 2023

In times when fashion and technology may seem like two distant worlds, Romina, the founder of Dressingz, saw an opportunity to bridge the gap and create a transformative impact. With a remarkable background in the fast-paced tech and telco industry, Romina's journey took a fascinating turn when she decided to venture into the pre-loved fashion realm.

Investing Insights / 9 min read

Introducing ELEC: Redefining Travel for a Sustainable Future

Andra Costin on iulie 11th, 2023

With a focus on sustainability and a vision to redefine travel, ELEC is ready to reshape the way we commute & travel, inspiring a greener and more sustainable world. To uncover the story behind their mission, we sat down with Alexandru Manea, founder and CEO of ELEC.

Rōnin insights / 3 min read

Community News, Chapter 1: Introducing Expert Business Support

Andra Costin on iunie 8th, 2023

Suntem entuziasmați să-ți prezentăm noul nostru serviciu, Expert Business Support, creat special pentru a sprijini fondatorii de startup-uri cu ghidarea experților din comunitatea Rōnin, adaptată nevoilor lor specifice.

/ 0 min read

Roxana Baias

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023

/ 0 min read

Razvan Savu

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023

/ 0 min read

Valentin Constantin

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023

/ 0 min read

Anca Toia

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023

/ 0 min read

Marius Stancu

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023

/ 0 min read

Monica Grigoriu

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023

/ 0 min read

Cristian Ionescu

Rōnin Team on mai 31st, 2023