Putting dreams to work.
Investing Insights / 5 min read

Think, talk and act like an investor | webinar series with Iancu Guda

Rōnin Team on mai 13th, 2022

Pornim seria webinariilor gratuite Think, talk and act like an investor, o inițiativă derulată în parteneriat cu Iancu Guda, unul dintre cei mai loiali prieteni ai educației financiare. Vei lua parte la 10 întâlniri interactive unde vei afla cum să îți cultivi mindset-ul investitorului ce pune banii la treabă, cu promisiunea că nu te plictisim cu 10 pași simpli care te fac bogat peste noapte. 

Rōnin insights / 2 min read

Rōnin and Commons Accel join forces to support founders put their ideas to work and scale them

Rōnin Team on aprilie 29th, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with our friends from Commons Accel to dream together, act together, and succeed together in our shared mission to support the startup ecosystem growth.

Founder's Story / 5 min read

Founder’s Story: Pincu Ionescu, AutoVantage

Rōnin Team on aprilie 7th, 2022

AutoVantage is the platform where new car buyers can compare offers from car dealers all over Romania and choose the best one.

Crowdfunding Journey / 4 min read

Crowdfunding with Rōnin: the success story of Softlead

Rōnin Team on aprilie 7th, 2022

Softlead is the first-listed company on weronin.com, and the startup raised €200K through crowdfunding at the beginning of 2022, helping the team follow its mission and scale up the game. 

Investing Insights / 8 min read

Start Growing your Money through Equity Crowdfunding

Rōnin Team on aprilie 4th, 2022

Starting slowly, even with a small amount of money, you can begin establishing the habit of investing regularly, which hopefully leads to a giant nest in the future. Even small moves can lead to consistent growth.

Investing Insights, Investor Resources / 8 min read

Start Growing your Money through Equity Crowdfunding

Rōnin Team on aprilie 4th, 2022

Starting slowly, even with a small amount of money, you can begin establishing the habit of investing regularly, which hopefully leads to a giant nest in the future. Even small moves can lead to consistent growth.

Founder Resources / 6 min read

Using Augmented Analytics for Business Growth

Rōnin Team on aprilie 4th, 2022

As a business leader, one of the main focuses is to grow the company sustainably. Using Augmented Analytics can help with: boosting productivity, obtaining actionable insights, reducing bias, and making better use of resources.

/ 0 min read

Homepage – Română

Rōnin Team on noiembrie 4th, 2021