Putting dreams to work.
/ 0 min read

Politica de plângeri

Rōnin Team on noiembrie 26th, 2022

/ 0 min read


Rōnin Team on noiembrie 20th, 2022

/ 0 min read

Strange fonduri

Rōnin Team on noiembrie 8th, 2022

Founder's Story / 7 min read

Founder’s Story: Andrei Cerbu, Drooler

Rōnin Team on noiembrie 7th, 2022

Drooler aims to become the top brand in the Romanian dog food industry, providing healthier food for our furry friends and a lot of passion and education for dog owners. Developing such a contributing mission requires a lot of ambition, courage, and of course.. patience to switch a mentality and change consumers' behavior.We talked with Andrei Cerbu, Founder of Drooler, to find out what made him start such an inspiring journey.

Investing Insights / 5 min read

Artificial Intelligence for faster cancer treatment | AIMINDED launches its crowdfunding campaign soon

Rōnin Team on noiembrie 3rd, 2022

In 2021, the global market for AI in healthcare was valued at over 11 billion U.S. dollars, and it is now expected to reach over 188 billion U.S. dollars by 2030. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can evaluate medical data to predict outcomes. As its relevance and efficiency grow, AI's use in healthcare will expand. The technology might lead to more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment, and less time spent on administrative work by healthcare personnel, allowing them to spend more time with patients.

Crowdfunding Journey, Founder Resources / 9 min read

Equity Crowdfunding Done Right | Episode 5: Preparing for launch. What it takes to build a killer equity crowdfunding campaign?

Rōnin Team on octombrie 27th, 2022

After you’ve chosen the right crowdfunding platform for you, the campaign launching process is about to begin. There are 3 main stages that startups should go through in order to launch their equity crowdfunding campaign successfully: 1. Applying for fundraising and passing the due diligence process; 2. Preparing the campaign alongside the necessary business, legal, and marketing documents; 3. Building hype around the campaign before its launching.

Crowdfunding Journey, Founder Resources / 6 min read

Equity Crowdfunding Done Right | Episode: 4 Evaluating the equity crowdfunding platforms. A complete checklist.

Rōnin Team on octombrie 10th, 2022

There are various crowdfunding platforms to consider that allow you to raise money for your business or to invest in an idea. But which crowdfunding platform is best for your needs?

Crowdfunding Journey, Founder Resources / 10 min read

Equity Crowdfunding Done Right | Episode 3: What is Equity Crowdfunding? Is it right for you?

Rōnin Team on octombrie 3rd, 2022

If your business is more than just an idea or concept written on a napkin, this may be the right time to consider Equity Crowdfunding. Equity Crowdfunding can be a win/win situation. But is it right for you?

Crowdfunding Journey, Founder Resources / 6 min read

Equity Crowdfunding Done Right | Episode 2: The investment-ready mindset. An unexpected perspective people don’t talk about

Rōnin Team on septembrie 28th, 2022

When a business wants to use external financing, it is ready to develop new products, expand its production, and access new markets. Many companies ardently desire this, representing an essential step in long-term sustainable growth. But everything is not milk and honey. A business must be prepared to access external financing - from the company's management to the ability to access the funding in terms of resources and sustainable plans.

Product Updates / 4 min read

Say Hello! to Qualified Electronic Signature

Rōnin Team on septembrie 2nd, 2022

What makes an investment journey actually effortless? We think a certain magic happens when everything is simple, streamlined, and connected. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to make the investment process smoother through efficient and agile tools. Now, Rōnin and InfoCert are here to transform the burden of document signing into a simple, fast and easy experience. Say goodbye to handwritten signing of physical documents — and hello to Qualified Electronic Signature.