A fine selection of news, press releases, market updates and insights, behind the scenes stories, investors interviews, and other POVs on fundraising and investing in private businesses.

Paving the Path to Sustainable Fashion: Meet Romina, Founder of Dressingz
Andra Costin on iulie 24th, 2023
In times when fashion and technology may seem like two distant worlds, Romina, the founder of Dressingz, saw an opportunity to bridge the gap and create a transformative impact. With a remarkable background in the fast-paced tech and telco industry, Romina's journey took a fascinating turn when she decided to venture into the pre-loved fashion realm.

Introducing ELEC: Redefining Travel for a Sustainable Future
Andra Costin on iulie 11th, 2023
With a focus on sustainability and a vision to redefine travel, ELEC is ready to reshape the way we commute & travel, inspiring a greener and more sustainable world. To uncover the story behind their mission, we sat down with Alexandru Manea, founder and CEO of ELEC.

Community News, Chapter 1: Introducing Expert Business Support
Andra Costin on iunie 8th, 2023
Suntem entuziasmați să-ți prezentăm noul nostru serviciu, Expert Business Support, creat special pentru a sprijini fondatorii de startup-uri cu ghidarea experților din comunitatea Rōnin, adaptată nevoilor lor specifice.

Crowdfunding campaign coming soon: Dressingz | Empowering fashion-conscious consumers with accessible pre-loved luxury
Andra Costin on mai 18th, 2023
In a world increasingly concerned about sustainability and conscious consumption, Dressingz emerges as a promising player in the pre-loved fashion industry. Their mission is to make resilient premium fashion more accessible, allowing people to enjoy high-quality clothing at affordable prices.

Product update: New measures to enhance investors’ protection
Rōnin Team on ianuarie 31st, 2023
When it comes to safety & compliance, investor's protection is one of our main golden rules. To ensure adequate protection for all of our investors as they participate in crowdfunding campaigns, we have introduced appropriate protection measures for non-sophisticated investors.

Founder’s story: Alex Vesa, AIMINDED
Rōnin Team on ianuarie 26th, 2023
AIMinded aims to accelerate cancer treatment by automating image analysis in radiotherapy hospitals, in order to help doctors perform more efficiently and accurately. The solution offers doctors more time for complex tasks that need their attention, and also for patients. We talked with Alexandru Vesa, Co-Founder of AIMinded, to find out what made him start such an inspiring journey.

Equity Crowdfunding Done Right | Episode: 6 What happens during the equity crowdfunding campaign
Rōnin Team on ianuarie 11th, 2023
The time has come. After preparing for what it takes to create a killer equity crowdfunding campaign, we're exploring how you'll run it and raise money for your startup.

Conținut proaspăt în limba română și o secțiune nouă pe platformă
Elena Simion on decembrie 22nd, 2022
Veștile bune circulă repede! Continuăm să îmbunătățim experiența utilizatorilor cu Rōnin. Atât website-ul, cât și platforma prezintă noi funcționalități.

Scrisoare deschisă la un an de la lansarea Rōnin
Rōnin Team on decembrie 1st, 2022
12 luni de la lansarea RōninAu trecut 12 luni de la lansarea Rōnin. Un concept curajos care își propune să revoluționeze modul în care companiile inovatoare atrag capital și construiesc o comunitate de suporteri care să îi ajute sa implementeze cu succes planurile lor ambițioase.

Founder’s Story: Andrei Cerbu, Drooler
Rōnin Team on noiembrie 7th, 2022
Drooler aims to become the top brand in the Romanian dog food industry, providing healthier food for our furry friends and a lot of passion and education for dog owners. Developing such a contributing mission requires a lot of ambition, courage, and of course.. patience to switch a mentality and change consumers' behavior.We talked with Andrei Cerbu, Founder of Drooler, to find out what made him start such an inspiring journey.