Putting dreams to work.

Rōnin insights

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Rōnin insights / 3 min read

Community News, Chapter 1: Introducing Expert Business Support

Andra Costin on iunie 8th, 2023

Suntem entuziasmați să-ți prezentăm noul nostru serviciu, Expert Business Support, creat special pentru a sprijini fondatorii de startup-uri cu ghidarea experților din comunitatea Rōnin, adaptată nevoilor lor specifice.

Rōnin insights / 9 min read

Scrisoare deschisă la un an de la lansarea Rōnin

Rōnin Team on decembrie 1st, 2022

12 luni de la lansarea RōninAu trecut 12 luni de la lansarea Rōnin. Un concept curajos care își propune să revoluționeze modul în care companiile inovatoare atrag capital și construiesc o comunitate de suporteri care să îi ajute sa implementeze cu succes planurile lor ambițioase. 

Rōnin insights / 3 min read

Regulation and the Future of the Equity Crowdfunding Industry

Rōnin Team on august 29th, 2022

The major world economies are doing very well in the crowdfunding markets. In the EU, things have enough space for growth... and that makes us super excited! On November 10, 2020, the Regulation on European crowdfunding service providers (ECSP) for businesses came into force. After a 12-month transition period, the rules came into force on 10 November 2021, applying directly across the EU. The regulation establishes uniform rules across the EU for the provision of investment-based crowdfunding and lending services related to business financing. The expectation is that these rules will bring improvements, thus helping companies that are looking for financing alternatives.

Rōnin insights / 2 min read

Rōnin and Commons Accel join forces to support founders put their ideas to work and scale them

Rōnin Team on aprilie 29th, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with our friends from Commons Accel to dream together, act together, and succeed together in our shared mission to support the startup ecosystem growth.