Putting dreams to work.

Product Updates

Product Updates / 5 min read

Product update: New measures to enhance investors’ protection

Rōnin Team on ianuarie 31st, 2023

When it comes to safety & compliance, investor's protection is one of our main golden rules. To ensure adequate protection for all of our investors as they participate in crowdfunding campaigns, we have introduced appropriate protection measures for non-sophisticated investors.

Product Updates / 3 min read

Conținut proaspăt în limba română și o secțiune nouă pe platformă

Elena Simion on decembrie 22nd, 2022

Veștile bune circulă repede! Continuăm să îmbunătățim experiența utilizatorilor cu Rōnin. Atât website-ul, cât și platforma prezintă noi funcționalități.

Product Updates / 4 min read

Say Hello! to Qualified Electronic Signature

Rōnin Team on septembrie 2nd, 2022

What makes an investment journey actually effortless? We think a certain magic happens when everything is simple, streamlined, and connected. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to make the investment process smoother through efficient and agile tools. Now, Rōnin and InfoCert are here to transform the burden of document signing into a simple, fast and easy experience. Say goodbye to handwritten signing of physical documents — and hello to Qualified Electronic Signature.