A fine selection of news, press releases, market updates and insights, behind the scenes stories, investors interviews, and other POVs on fundraising and investing in private businesses.

Conversational Intelligence Platform | RepsMate launches its crowdfunding campaign
Rōnin Team on July 19th, 2022
If the first thing coming to your mind when thinking about conversational intelligence platforms is 'Huston, we have a problem..', we've thought this might be helpful. AI Conversational Intelligence is a technology that leverages voice (telephone/video meetings) and text (chat/email) based interactions between customers and companies facing representatives to enable more meaningful interactions, using insights from previous interactions.

Why mental and emotional health is crucial for both entrepreneurs and investors
Rōnin Team on June 17th, 2022
A UC Berkeley study found that 72% of entrepreneurs have some form of mental health problem. Of the entrepreneurs they studied, 30% had a history of depression, 19% had ADHD, 12% had substance abuse problems, and 11% reported having bipolar disorder. Looking at the last few years, we see that mental health is being given more attention.

Top 12 Books for Investors in 2022
Rōnin Team on June 8th, 2022
The biggest fear of those who want to invest is not the amount of money or the access to investment opportunities. We live in a time when there are solutions that allow you to start investing with a small amount. The most significant barrier is the lack of information and insecurity in decisions.There are many resources to learn the secrets of investing. Plenty of them. The challenge? Make a proper selection that suits your needs and helps you in your investment journey.

The Pros And Cons Of Crowdfunding | A founder’s perspective
Rōnin Team on June 8th, 2022
The growth rate of the European tech ecosystem is astonishing. According to the State of European Tech report, last year $100 billion in investment opportunities materialized, and 98 new unicorns came into the spotlight.All these beautiful things could not have happened if the new generation of founders had not acted with the right mindset. This new generation comes with an extraordinary talent, courage, and an ambition to do things differently, with a risk-taking perspective and a "can-do" attitude. It sounds like a recipe for success, doesn't it?

Better sourced and clean pet food | Drooler launches its crowdfunding campaign
Rōnin Team on June 3rd, 2022
82% of dog owners confirmed a specific need for their dog food: more transparency about the ingredients and a more clean and sustainable approach to the production process. The global overview shows us pet humanization is one of the hot topics in mainstream media recently. We are witnessing a significant shift from pet ownership to pet parenting, especially in the food market.

Fil Rouge Capital joins AutoVantage’s funding round with €100,000
Rōnin Team on May 27th, 2022
Croatian investment fund Fil Rouge Capital invests €100,000 to support the growth of the AutoVantage startup, which aims to innovate the buying process in the car dealership industry.With the addition of new investors, AutoVantage exceeds the target proposed in the crowdfunding campaign run on This investment aims to accelerate the platform's development plans and prepare the business for launch in international markets.

Think, talk and act like an investor | webinar series with Iancu Guda
Rōnin Team on May 13th, 2022
Pornim seria webinariilor gratuite Think, talk and act like an investor, o inițiativă derulată în parteneriat cu Iancu Guda, unul dintre cei mai loiali prieteni ai educației financiare. Vei lua parte la 10 întâlniri interactive unde vei afla cum să îți cultivi mindset-ul investitorului ce pune banii la treabă, cu promisiunea că nu te plictisim cu 10 pași simpli care te fac bogat peste noapte.

Rōnin and Commons Accel join forces to support founders put their ideas to work and scale them
Rōnin Team on April 29th, 2022
We are thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with our friends from Commons Accel to dream together, act together, and succeed together in our shared mission to support the startup ecosystem growth. We join forces to shape an enabling environment for everyone to thrive in - founders to take their ideas from zero to hero and true believers to start growing their money the smart way while supporting bold ideas to accelerate their growth.

Using Augmented Analytics for Business Growth
Rōnin Team on April 11th, 2022
As a business leader, one of the main focuses is to grow the company sustainably. Using Augmented Analytics can help with: boosting productivity, obtaining actionable insights, reducing bias, and making better use of resources.

Founder’s Story: Pincu Ionescu, AutoVantage
Rōnin Team on April 7th, 2022
AutoVantage is the platform where new car buyers can compare offers from car dealers all over Romania and choose the best one.
So, without further ado, ladies & gents, investors & founders alike, we invite you to meet the real heroes - the founders behind AutoVantage, their aspirations & challenges, and their plans for the future.